
I write about my explorations in AI and other quaintitative areas.

For more about me and my other interests, visit playgrd, quaintitative or socials below


Generative Coding - The Nature of Code Ported to Three.js

Daniel Shiffman’s Nature of Code book introduced me to the world of generative coding. This port of his Nature of Code examples to three.js is kind of my homage to the book.

I’ve not reproduced every single example, but rather the key ones in each chapter. These should be more than enough for anyone to understand how to code all his examples in three.js.

I’ve also not followed the styles and colors faithfully, but rather added some of my own flourishes.

The listing is below. First link in each set is the demo, and the second link is the github repo with the code.

Chapter 0 In this chapter, Daniel introduces one to the beauty of randomness.

Chapter 1 In this chapter, Daniel shows us how to create a bouncing ball.

Chapter 2 In this chapter, Daniel shows us how to recreate real world forces in the digital space.

Chapter 3 In this chapter, we learn how to make things go round and round.

Chapter 4 In this chapter, Daniel teaches how to create little universes of particles.

Chapter 5 In this chapter, we see how to manipulate groups of particles and give them some life.

Chapter 7 In this chapter, we see how life came about.

Chapter 8 In this chapter, we get introduced to fractals.

Chapter 9 In this chapter, we create things that evolve!


Comparing Prompts for Different Large Language Models (Other than ChatGPT)
AI and UIs
Listing NFTs
Extracting and Processing Wikidata datasets
Extracting and Processing Google Trends data
Extracting and Processing Reddit datasets from PushShift
Extracting and Processing GDELT GKG datasets from BigQuery
Some notes relating to Machine Learning
Some notes relating to Python
Using CCapture.js library with p5.js and three.js
Introduction to PoseNet with three.js
Topic Modelling
Three.js Series - Manipulating vertices in three.js
Three.js Series - Music and three.js
Three.js Series - Simple primer on three.js
HTML Scraping 101
(Almost) The Simplest Server Ever
Tweening in p5.js
Logistic Regression Classification in plain ole Javascript
Introduction to Machine Learning Right Inside the Browser
Nature and Math - Particle Swarm Optimisation
Growing a network garden in D3
Data Analytics with Blender
The Nature of Code Ported to Three.js
Primer on Generative Art in Blender
How normal are you? Checking distributional assumptions.
Monte Carlo Simulation of Value at Risk in Python
Measuring Expected Shortfall in Python
Style Transfer X Generative Art
Measuring Market Risk in Python
Simple charts | crossfilter.js and dc.js
d3.js vs. p5.js for visualisation
Portfolio Optimisation with Tensorflow and D3 Dashboard
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 6
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 5
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 4
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 3
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 2
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 1
Generating a Strange Attractor in three.js
(Almost) All the Most Common Machine Learning Algorithms in Javascript
3 Days of Hand Coding Visualisations - Day 3
3 Days of Hand Coding Visualisations - Day 2
3 Days of Hand Coding Visualisations - Day 1
3 Days of Hand Coding Visualisations - Introduction