
I write about my explorations in AI and other quaintitative areas.

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Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 5 - Databases

When we do stuff in Jupyter notebooks, we could save the output in a range of local files, from CSV, to JSON, to HDF5. But there might be instances where it might make sense to save things to a database, be it a SQL database like Postgres, or a NoSQL database like MongoDB.

Usually when we set-up a database on the server, we would have to have it running at some host and port, and then make a connection to the database.

So for MongoDB, we would usually first install and run MongoDB, then install a library like pymongo, and then make a connection to the host and port of the MongoDB instance.

With Docker, it’s similar, but slightly easier. Having a database setup within Docker is as easy as pulling an image. Continuing from where we left off on the docker-compose.yml file in the previous part of this series, we just have to add a few lines right at the end to have access to MongoDB and Postgres databases within the Docker container.

version: '3'
    build: docker/jupyter
        - "8888:8888"
        - .:/home/jovyan/work
        - config/jupyter.env

# The lines below are the new ones!
    image: mongo
        - mongo_data:/data/db
    image: postgres
        - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

And connecting to it within the Docker container is super easy. Here’s one to make MongoDB play nice with Pandas. We just have to connect it to this_mongo, which is what we named it in the docker-compose.yml file.

from pymongo import MongoClient

def get_mongo_database(db_name, host='this_mongo'):
    conn = MongoClient('this_mongo')
    return conn[db_name]

def dataframe_to_mongo(df, db_name, collection):
    db = get_mongo_database(db_name)
    # 'records' means that it will be saved as an array of objects
    entry = df.to_dict('records')

def mongo_to_dataframe(db_name, collection, query={}):
    db = get_mongo_database(db_name)
    cursor = db[collection].find(query)
    df =  pd.DataFrame(list(cursor))
    # Remove the mongo id
    if no_id: 
        del df['_id']

    return df

And here’s how to connect to the Postgres database.

import psycopg2 as pg2
import psycopg2.extras as pgex

conn = pg2.connect(host='this_postgres', 

cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pgex.RealDictCursor)

CREATE TABLE jupyter_test(
    _id INTEGER,
    name TEXT,
    vector BYTEA

INSERT INTO jupyter_test VALUES(1, 'Test1', '{1,2,3,4,5}');
INSERT INTO jupyter_test VALUES(2, 'Test2', '{2,4,6,8,10}');

SELECT * FROM jupyter_test;

result_raw = cur.fetchall()


Pretty simple right?


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Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 6
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 5
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 4
Setting Up a Data Lab Environment - Part 3
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